Nouvelle coiffure pour un look d’automne folk. C’est le coiffeur Fred, sur son blog génial, qui m’ a donné l’idée de la tresse bandeau. Pour voir son blog, cliquez ici.
New hairstyle for a fall folk look. This is Fred, the hair stylist, on his fabulous blog, who has given me the idea of the braid headband. To see his website, click here.
Robe Sinequanone, gilet en fourrure Sinequanone, collants Le Bourget, bottes vintage, ceinture vintage, boucles d’oreilles Saoya, bagues et bracelets Corpus Christi + Fashionology + vintage
Sinequanone dress and fur vest, Le Bourget tights, vintage boots and belt, Saoya errings, Corpus Christi + Fashionology + vintage rings and bracelets.
Crédit photo : Rockygirl / Photo credit: Rockygirl