
Be Street organisait avant Noël un événement street-art à la Cité de la Mode et du Design de Paris, dans le lieu magique des Docs. Des performances en live, des dessinateurs, des peintres, mais aussi des skateurs, des concerts, un coiffeur indé et un pop-up store géant de vêtements et de presse : carrefour entre la mode, la musique et l’art graphique, pour le plus grand plaisir des yeux !
Ce Be Street Weeknd était une initiative qui a attiré un grand public et des artistes du monde entier: Jason Edmiston, L’Amour Suprême, McBess, Hydro74, Buff Monster, Nikibi, Franck Pellegrino, Iain Macarthur. J’ai adoré l’ambiance qui y régnait. Voici quelques images.
Be Street organized before Christmas, a street art event in the City of Fashion and Design in Paris, the magical place of the Docs. Live performances, designers, painters, but also skaters, concerts, Indie hairdresser and a giant pop-up store with clothing and press: at the crossroads between fashion, music and graphic art, for our greatest pleasure!
Be Street the Weeknd was an initiative that has attracted a large audience and worldwide artists: Jason Edmiston, L’Amour Suprême, McBess, Hydro74, Buff Monster, Nikibi, Franck Pellegrino, Iain Macarthur. I loved the atmosphere that prevailed there. Here are some pics.

Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd
Be Street Weeknd

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